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Are you looking for a new space car?

Space Plus Ten Model XI.

The year is 2089, and suddenly, the alarm system in P-ST89 signaled one of my worst fears: an asteroid tornado. Luckily, in the prototype above, I had maliciously crafted a one-of-a-kind space vehicle that will help transport myself and my dog to our state-of-the-art home. The car is made of clear space plus, and the wheels are made of titanium, designed to crush any steroids. The starting price for one of the Space Ten models is around $500,000, which is the wholesale cost of the vehicle.

While this does not include shipping, the Space Ten model vehicles carry up to five people. Additionally, the journey between the two homes will ensure my utmost safety as it has been certified by the National Agency of Space Cars or N.A.S.C. In case of an emergency, the Space Plus Ten Model X vehicle is equipped with a large storage capacity for food and water.