Hello, this is the Code!

Week One - Self Portrait

This first assingment tested my ability to start developing shapes in P5. JS. With a combination of rectangles, circles and stroke size, I was very happy with the end result.

Project Two - Variables

This week, we were able to learn variables that started to introduce the idea of movement into the sketches. I settled with a sketch of a rocket blasting off while the moon shifts horizontally. Based on last week's assignment of creating shapes, I found making the rocket shape with ellipses easier. I then listed variables that I saw that were global and listed them above the function setup

Project Three - StoryBoard

This week, we had the opportunity to create story boards that would later be created in P5 JS. I decided to create a simple story of a campfire with the background changing. With the first Mouse Press, you can ignite the fire, with the second Mouse Press, the user can initiate the sun. Finally, with the third Mouse Press, you can change the background of the sketch.